sorry for late update.
I've been really busy and I'm trying my best
to keep this alive and updated it's just i don't have enough time. =)
so here I am with my updates =)
but i'll be giving updates on memorable dates only. x)
July 25,2008
my birthday. I turned 15. =)
and the day started as I go to my friend's house (my scholmate) they
greeted me. blah blah.. as I arrive the classroom I saw the board with
notes for me.. "July 25,2008... birtdey ni potpot!
matanda ka na, pa-burger ka naman! hehe.
pi bidey!" <--- coming from my bestfriend lara
"nai! nasan ang pagkaen?! hehe!
hapi birtdey" <--- coming from one of my barkada. =)
it was also our cookfest, and I am one of the cook so I cooked the food
we will be eating and the food for the contest. We won as the 3rd placer.
We played pepsi-7up, a very old game we never played since we reached our teenage years.
Everybody had fun. We even have a video and some pictures. If I uploaded it I will be posting it here. =)
July 31,2008
finals of the jingle making contest, and my section is one of the finalists.
It started almost 9 am and we won as the champion.
here are some previews of our jingle..

we were very thankful that we won. wooosh!